Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Still Here

I don't blog with any regularity because I have nothing to share. It has been my experience that I only blog when some area of my life is in turmoil. This is pretty typical of women's diaries.

Let me recap the last 15 months:

  1. Got laid off from job at Cahell Construction. 
  2. Tried to work as a nanny to 3-year-old triplets.
  3. Experienced some sort of post-partum by proxy malaise. Pretty much lost my mind.
  4. Interviewed for a temp job for a bank 90 miles away. 
  5. Left a me shaped hole in the wall of the house where I nannied.
  6. Drove three hours a day to temp for a dysfunctional department. 
  7. Met a man that would change my life.
  8. Applied for a permanent position with the bank doing exactly what I wanted to be doing.
  9. Still drove three hours to get to work, but my recruiter worked a sweet deal that let me start working in my home town after a trial period.
  10. Then the dream: I transitioned into working from home for the bank. 
It's been an awesome crazy ride and I'm still standing ... thriving even! I work for an organization that honestly values work/family balance. My co-workers are people I'd want to be friends with. It's my dream job and co-workers. I am loving my life right now.