What scene in what movie always makes you well up (want to cry), even just thinking about it? If they are too numerous to mention, then what one is the saddest and why.
For those of you who know me really well, you'll know that I'm a big cry baby. With that being said, you must understand that sometimes I cry at a really good comercial, but when it comes to movies there's one scene that always makes me well up.
It's a scene from Forrest Gump. Forrest and Jenny have just spent the day in DC and Jenny turns to Forrest and they exchange the following words:
Jenny Curran: Why are you so good to me?
Forrest Gump: You're my girl.
I know it doesn't read like much, but it's all in the delivery. Kills me every time I even think about Hanks' expression when he says, "You're my girl." Seriously, as I sit here typing this out I'm welling up a little.
The other scene (and this is from a TV show) is when Miranda and Steve are finally honest about their feeling on Sex and the City (Pulled from www.televisionwithoutpity.com):
[Miranda] stares at the cake, which only reads, "Happy Birthday, Brady."
Steve walks in, with a candle shaped like a number one. He's all, will you look at that?
[Miranda] says, "I love you. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said it! I fucked it up! But I love you!"
[Steve replies that it's okay]"I mean, come on! You're the one."
Again, it's all in the delivery, the look in his face and the tone in his voice when he says, "You're the one."
That one actually makes me cry when I watch it.