Sunday, October 01, 2006

New Kid On the Block

For fear of being "dooced," I won't ever talk about what I think about my boss or the company I work for. Quite frankly, it's all so new that anything I say would be superficial anyway.

I do feel comfortable telling you this: I hate being the new kid.

I spent my first week on my new job with the same upset stomach feeling that I would have whenever I met a new group of kids: first day of middle school, first day of high school. That queasy feeling that makes it impossible to even attempt eating a dry piece of toast.

And that's the bitch!

No matter how old I get I still walk into a new environment with the same worries I had when I was sixteen:

I hope they like me.
I hope I don't make an ass out of myself.
What if I don't fit in?

What's worse is that while my old boss drove me crazy, I was actually considering going back there because it was like a comfy old shoe.

Okay, it was like a comfy old shoe that had dog poop smeared on it, but even if it was stinky it at least fit.

Halfway through my first week I sat in my cubicle (MY CUBICLE - I gave up my corner office, with the windows that opened, for a cubicle.) and realized I can't even fart in private!

Also, what's with the "Ladies must wear pantyhose" dress code? It's as if I step into a time machine set to 1956 when I walk through the front doors.

Like I said, that stuff is superficial.

It's just a new environment and will take some time getting used to.

Soon, my assimilation will be complete.

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