Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Am So Ashamed

When I was a kid I had a lot of celebrity crushes. The other day I was flipping channels and I came across this:

When I was 11 I thought this movie was awesome! The other day I could only watch 5 minutes of it because it was so awful, but damn I loved me some Jason Gedrick. (Poor Lou Gossett Jr. To this day when I see him in a movie I internally shout "CHAPPY!")

I'll admit I still nurse a crush on Jason Gedrick. Does anyone even remember Windfall?

It was a crappy show and the fact that Luke Perry was cast in it should have been my warning, but the Gedrick magic still has its influence.

I was so excited when he turned up on Desperate Housewives.

I realize I probably still sound like an 11-year-old girl, but that really doesn't surprise me. My favorite shows? Degrassi: The Next Generation, Gossip Girl . . . oh and you can bet your ass I'll be watching the new incarnation of 90210. HELLO . . . Darcy from D:TNG is playing the Brenda-like character. Those are some big bangs to fill.

1 comment:

Breezy said...

Shemae, Sherae, Shewhatevah! I hate her! That Darcy chick can't act is all I got to say. You'll have to tell me about it because I don't think I can bring myself to watch it other than the fact that Shannen D. is the "guest" art teacher. The Bitch is Back!