Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Suck My Wind

For those of you that have been reading this blog for a while, you might remember that last year I resolved to run a 5K in 2005. Like most resolutions, it didn't happen but I'm figuring this is a new year and a great time to make another go of it.

So, this year I have a plan. See, one of the local tv stations has started a running group and the goal is for all of us to run a 5K together. Last year proved that I can't do this alone, and it's my hope that doing this as part of a team will motivate me to stick with it. So far it's going well. I train on my own during the week (using the Galloway Method), and then every Saturday we meet for a practice run outdoors.

The last time I ran a 5K was in 1999. It was a "Race for the Cure" even and there were cancer patients, cancer patients just out of chemo, that spanked my ass. I was literally one of the last folks to finish. At the time it really wasn't a big deal to me, but looking back I realize that it was pretty embarrassing.

See, the thing is, I don't really think of myself as a competitive person. I'm fairly laid back, and being number one isn't really in my nature.

At least, this is what I used to think.

This past weekend I had my first outdoor practice run with the group. About 60 of us showed up so we had to run in different heats. I was part of group 5, there were maybe 9 of us in my heat.

I kept telling myself, "Don't worry about what the person next to you is doing. You are only competing with yourself." But, after lap 1, when I realized I was one of the last three my competitive spirit went all Whitney on me and, "Hell to the naw," I realized I'd have to pick it up.

I'm running about a 15 minute mile, so I'm not exactly Flo Jo out there, but it felt good and I'm working on redeeming my poor performance in '99.

But, most importantly: I came in first in my group.

Suck it, bitches.

1 comment:

Breezy said...

I think it's wonderful that you're running the race. I hope you beat your own personal best.

I'm happy just walking a half hour 2 mile walk. hehe It hasn't happened lately though. I've been bad.