Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Born to Run

Except, not.

It is so clear in this picture that I am NOT feeling that endorphine rush.

You know what I love about that picture the most?

You can just tell that I'm thinking, "Dear God, why am I doing this to myself?" While the bitch in the background is all, "I love to run . . . weeeeeee!"

Also: my double chin is so massive I look like I have the goiter.

In my defense, I did not know they were taking my picture.

So, two weeks later, when I saw the camera aimed in my direction: I was ready. This, is what you call FIERCE.

I blame my father for cheeks that look like I'm storing nuts for the winter.


Breezy said...

You do look Fierce and Fah-law-less!!!

Ok, how gay was that?

You look great and that Biotch in the background is all posed. You're literally showing the agony of defeat and I'm sure that wasn't the case.

pooja* said...

you are beeyewtiful, baby. beyewtiful. hey, so i just signed up for the avon breast cancer walk in sf - 39 MILES. over two days. i have 5 months to "train". and by "train", i suspect i will have to shut the television off at some point. good luck! and think of me too...on these damn hills to boot. hee!