Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Hear The Secrets That You Keep

Anyone that's had to spend the night with me is well aware of the fact that I talk in my sleep.

It's usually random stuff, nothing that really makes any sense.

So, imagine my surprise last Saturday morning when I hear S say:

"Well, do we qualify?"

I had only just woken up, so I asked, "Are you awake?"

S, with eyes closed, "Yes."

I figured why not find out what we qualify may or may not for. So, I cut my eyes at him and thought, "Why not?"

So, I replied, "What do you want to qualify for?"

S, "Food stamps . . . "

Of all the things we could qualify for (home loan, as adoptive parents, car loan . . . ), he comes up with FOOD STAMPS!

My reply, "Why would we want food stamps?"

S, "If someone else is willing to pay for our food . . . "

At which point I stared at the ceiling and realized: dear God, I am marrying my father.

Me, "S, are you sure you're awake?"

S, still with eyes closed, "Why?"

Me, "You were just talking to me about food stamps."

S, "Hmm, I guess I'm not awake."

And in nanoseconds he was softly snoring.

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