Wednesday, July 11, 2007


If you asked me who my close friends were in high school I'd say Janine and Nicole. If you asked me who my best friend was I'd say Janine.

Some of that was proximity (She lived closer to me and for at least three years we were in the same Spanish class.) and part of it came down to similiarities (We are both Hispanic, similar economic backgrounds, similar sense of humor.)

I was digging through some old boxes recently and came across a notebook that we kept when we were freshman. I don't really know how our system worked, but it looks like I started it and then maybe we passed it off to one another in the halls between classes.

It's a 60 page Lisa Frank notebook and from the looks of it we filled it up in like a month.

I think we devised this plan because we could:

1.) Write in it in class and still look like we were doing classwork, and
2.) Discuss boys and sex between the covers of a notebook that looked like the rest in our backpack so our parents were none the wiser.

So much better than an origami folded note that just screamed: READ ME!

Clearly we were diligent students from the following entry:

Me: Guess what? I'm seeing Chris tomorrow night. He's coming over to give me my Valntine's Day present. How do you get genotype and how do you get phenotype?

Janine: Don't ask me, I don't understand it. Listen do we have a quiz? Forget it she answered my question already. Good luck with Chris.

That entry cracks me up because it's so 15, but what is worse is that my nonlinear way of thinking was clearly established at an early age. This also cracks me up because Janine and I had somehow gotten stuck in this honors biology class and neither one of us belonged in there. It was our lament all year long: Why are we in this class??????

This one is the best:

"Don't laugh: what do you actually DO when you're making out?"

We were also kind of bitchy:

"GOD! The barrett DANA made looks like shit. I don't like the lettering, how about you?"

Ooh, and I refer to some guy as "leper."

Damn, I was bitchy.

And, the little feminist in me started waking up:

He said, "I hope you don't want to go out next weekend," and I'm like, "Why?" So, he said, "Because I won't be here," and I said, "Hey, if I want to go out I don't need your permission."

And you know, I underlined the need three times so I totally meant it.

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of being 15 but there isn't enough money in the world to make me relive those years.


1 comment:

Breezy said...

Your mini-feminist remark reminds me of something Rudy Huxtable would say.
Don't you think?
