Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Can't Stand Elizabeth Hasselbeck!

A few episodes ago, the women of The View were discussing Valerie Plame and Elizabeth says, "How could a woman that cute go undetected?"

The inital knee-jerk reaction is to assume that Elizabeth is saying a woman that attractive can't be smart enough to go undetected. I don't think that's what Elizabeth is saying.

I think Elizabeth is saying, "How could a woman that attractive go unnoticed?"

This just gets my feminist panties all up in a bunch because it's so looksist.

Regardless of Plame's ability to get the job done, Elizabeth thinks it's impossible for her to be a convincing CIA operative because she's just too pretty. I suppose in EH's mind, only an average looking woman (a brunette of course) can pull off being a CIA agent.

In general I don't agree with EH's politics, but that's not why I dislike her.

I dislike her because she's unable to have a coherent argument. She just gets all high-pitched and emotional so whatever her point is gets lost on me.

I tend to get annoyed with all of the women on The View because watching them argue is like watching me argue with my brother and father - you only when if you have the loudest voice.

But, I bet EH the kind of person who cries to win an argument with her husband.

In all of her political views, EH is such a throwback. She's a huge Bush supporter, she's pro-life, pro-NRA.

Geez - the only issue she doesn't take on is working mothers.

OH NO - instead little miss pro-life-conservative-on-most-issues sympathizes with working mother's guilt.


Because she is one.

Wow - a conservative whose politics duck and weave to suit her needs.

Such a rarity.

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