Friday, January 07, 2005

Best Boyfriend Evah!

Reasons why S rocks!

1. The man knows his way around plumbing!

I moved into an apartment that's in a building that's being renovated. Well, I don't think my landlord expected anyone in there so soon, but when faced with the prospect of a rent check he let me move in.

When I looked at the apartment the water was cut off.

So, imagine my surprise when I moved in and learned that the faucet in the bathroom sink runs continuously . . . when it's in the off position.

I couldn't even use the cut-off valve under the sink because IT was a few twists from falling apart. S came up, replaced my faucet and cut-off valve. I've snaked drains and such, but I don't think I would have known what all to get to accomplish this job. That night, I slept in the quiet silence of my apartment without the sound of the gentle waterfall from my bathroom. I think the cats were a little disappointed.

2. He fixed my rocky toilet.

I told you, it's an old building.

When I'd lean forward the toilet would rock. In a way it was kind of nice and soothing to take care of business while gently rocking, but I was starting to feel a bit like Rainman.

3. He saved me from the heart attack I might have had if that scary ass Camel Cricket had jumped in my face.

4. When I got home from work he had the massage chair set up with a glass of red wine next to it.

5. He knows how to wake me up without unleashing my inner bitch.

6. He can set up my wireless internet connection.

7. He can fix my roommates internet connection when the fools at Knology can't.

That's just the tip of the iceberg . . .


Jay said...

Wow, he sounds like a keeper!
My mom always told us (me, and my 3 sisters) that we each had to find a husband that was into a trade; she wanted a mechanic, a plumber, an electrician...yeah. Tall order.

Although, when I read #1, I thought you were referring to some other plumbing. Ahem.

Trixie said...

Your mom sounds really cool! Most moms want their girls to marry a doctor, lawyer or engineer.