Monday, January 03, 2005

Meant For Each Other

Ya'll know I just moved right?

Well, this weekend I was reorganizing my shoe rack and S walked into the room to see what I was up to.

I hear him quietly say, "Baby?"

I straightened up, turned to look at him and asked, "What's up?"

Him, still quiet, "Walk away from the closet and don't look back."

So, I did. And I, now whispering, asked, "Big bug?"

Him, still in sotto voce, "Oh yeah."

So, I slowly turned to look into my closet and expected to find this:

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Which, yeah, would have freaked me out and I would have jumped on the bed like a big baby, but I could have sent in one of the cats and that would have been the end of that.

Those lazy asses might sleep most of the day, but you but a twitchy bug in front of them and it's ALL OVER! We're talking JUNGLE CAT baby!!!!

But, OH NO, what I saw, was THIS:

Which, made me go, "Huh?" And, I don't know if you can tell here, but it's got a really long, mean, looking horn or something coming out of it's butt: so, you know, the cats were not an option.

So I said, "Okay, let's just slowly take out the clothes and see if we can't catch it. Then we'll just let it go outside."

And S, bless his heart, gulped and really coolly said, "Yeah, okay."

So, I went into the kitchen, found an old jar and with S using a playing card (like standard size, not some big ass UNO card or anything) we popped it into the jar and closed the lid.

Now that it was contained, we both had the opportunity to take a better look.

Neither of us had ever seen anything like it before and when we had fulfilled our curiousity he offered to take it outside.

I said, "Okay, but let it go on the other side of the street. You know, in case it decides it wants to come back here it at least has to make an effort."

And, just, just as he's headed out the front door I called for him, "Hey S?"

Him, "Yeah?"

Me, "You know, while we've got him we'd might as well take a picture."

He grins, shows me the camera he's got behind his back and says, "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."

I smiled and said, "We gotta look that up!"

Him, now blushing, "Yeah, I was gonna check my bug book."

When he came back in from the release I asked him how it went and he said he had to tap it out of the jar and it stood there for a second and then just sauntered away.

I guess when you look like that you have very little reason to run away from anything.

(FYI: It's a Camel Cricket. Harmless to people, but it has been known to feast on fabric.)

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