Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Bad Girl!

This weekend was fabulous!!!!

I met S on Friday night in NO at a bar that we've been frequenting lately. The atmosphere is okay, the lingerie show (that I've never attended) seems a bit skeevy, but they have the best hamburgers!!!!

So, we met up there, ate, drank, I got the key to the room and he headed off to work.

Ya'll, I didn't realize how tired I was.

I unloaded my car, took a scalding hot shower and climbed into bed. I fell asleep watching the second Harry Potter movie.

At some point, my cell rang and it was S:

"Hey baby! I'm gettin' out early. I'll be there in a little while."

Me, "Hmmwha . . . oh, okay, great!"

Him, "Ooooh, I'm sorry baby. I didn't realize you'd be asleep."

Me, "'sokay. I'll see you soon."

I clicked my phone shut, laid it on my stomach and fell back asleep.

I don't know how much later it was, but my phone rang again.

This time it scared the shit out of me because I wasn't expecting to hear the vibratine. So, I jumped and it must have slithered off of me because when I did a half-assed search for it I couldn't find it.

In the back of my mind I though, "That's probably S telling me he's in the lot."

And, I turned over in bed and fell back asleep.

Because . . . I am a bad girlfriend.

Ya'll, when you add the 4.5 hour drive to 4 consecutive 12-hour workdays and you finally shut down . . . you SHUT FUCKIN' DOWN!

I was OUT!

It turns out S was calling me from the other side of our room's door. Yeah, he'd left his key in his truck and wanted me to let him in.

I know, I know . . .

The whole weekend was kind of a blur. We lazed in bed most of Saturday morning and eventually headed out, but we were so tired we gave up on any grand plans we may have had for Saturday.

On Sunday we went to the Quarter where S bought me the prettiest ring ever (not that kind of ring)and a groovy shirt. I also picked up some earrings and a Valentine's Day gift for J.

Then, we headed to Canal Place to catch Sideways. I liked it because it appealed to my, "I'm almost 30 and what have I really done with my life" crisis that I'm going through.

Before the movie started, S slipped his arm around me and I cuddled against his chest and I said, "You know, House of Flying Daggers is playing at the Capri [Montgomery indie theater] this weekend."

S, "You want to go see it when I come up?"

Me, pulling away from him to look at his face "You're coming up to visit this weekend?"

Him, eyes narrowing and peering at me, "Noooo, I'm moving up this weekend."

Me, eyes darting around like the busted doofus that I am, "That's THIS weekend?"

That's right folks, S is moving up and I completely forgot about it.

I lost track of the dates. I thought there was another week left in January or something.

Because . . . I am a bad girlfriend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, S is moving up, that's great. I'm so excited for you. No more lonely weekends. Yea!!!! Talk to you latter, C.