Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dog Park and Friends

Yesterday I spent most of the day crying and fretting over how we're going to pay the bills in a few weeks. Then Steve came home and reminded me that we are in this together and we are going to get through it. After a shaky inhale I nodded my head and said, "I'm going to Zumba."

So, I called my good friend Heather and said, "Let's do this!" When I arrived at the gym Heather said, "I can't believe you're here. I'd be in bed." I laughed and said that was a pretty accurate description of most of my day. The thing is, I have been severely depressed before and I don't want to go down that road again. So, even when I don't want to I have to haul my ass out of bed and rejoin the living.

After class Heather and I made plans to meet the following moring with our dogs at the dog park. My dogs are a bit neurotic and Heather's dog is a tiny bit skittish. Heather and chatted and the dogs chased, peed and chased.Again, this activity made me haul my ass out of bed. I'm grateful to friends like Heather who are encouraging without being overwhelming.

When I returned home the dogs crashed and I worked on my resume. Making yourself follow a schedule will give you something for which to stay motivated.

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