Saturday, November 06, 2004


I'm in on a Saturday night.

It's really pathetic isn't it?

I feel like I should be out: dancing, drinking, kissing boys.

Except that if I really felt that I needed to do that then I suppose that is what I would be doing.

I kind of like staying in though. Besides, I had a really busy day and I'm wiped out.

I actually had a fairly busy Saturday.

I spent the morning fixing the perfect bowl of oatmeal (the right consistence, the right amount of brown sugar . . . ), I moved some things around in my boudoir and then my roomie and I spent three hours at a big craft fair.

So far, it sound like the perfect morning doesn't it?

If I was 70!!!!!!!!!

I did pick up some really cute things at this fair. I even picked up a Christmas present for my friend Melissa.

It's quite cool and fashionable (at a CRAFT fair? I KNOW!!). Melissa reads this blog so I can't go into detail about what it is, but I think she's REALLY gonna like it!

Anyway, we were on the way home and we decided to make a few more stops. We went to Home Depot (Which I hate with the fire of a 1,000 suns!) and I picked up some picture hanging materials as well as some velcro (Gotta work on those tear-away pants!).

Then, we headed to the Dixie for some groceries.

I made panfried oysters for dinner. I think I'm going to leave fried oysters up to the professionals from now on.

Then I showered, hung up some clothes and snuggled into bed. Where, thanks to this chilly weather, I'm enjoying the hell out of my down comforter and flannel pj bottoms!

That's it folks.

Another exciting Saturday night for me.

Oh, and you know my whole thing about "no romantic gestures" from last time?

Yeah, it's nice to know nothing's changed.

You know the worst part?

I've pretty much screwed myself because S read this and if he did show up on my doorstep I'd think it was forced.

But hey, nothing like a little guilt to stir up some inspiration, motivation, manipulation.

Which, you know, is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO romantic.

If you missed the sarcasm in that last little bit, then we're so not friends anymore.

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