Monday, August 02, 2004

It's a Beautiful Morning

The sun is shining and the sky is blue and I got to take a shower with my boyfriend this morning.

No, this isn't the start of my first "soft core" entry.

The thing is, I'm in this long distance thing and while it sucks to be apart, mornings like the one I had today really make it worth it when we're together.

There was no alarm clock ringing, just a gentle hand caressing the curve of my hip and a soft voice whispering, "Baby, it's time."

I'm not a morning person but that's 1,000x's better than the alarm clock.

I did grumble a little and take my time stretching, but eventually I did roll out of bed and then my incredible boyfriend joined me for a leisurely shower.

Out of the gutter ya'll!!!!

Nakedness does not imply dirtiness.

There really was no soft core porn going on, it was just two people enjoying a nice hot shower before starting the day and that's the kind of thing I miss.

Waking up next to each other, running out to catch a movie on a hot summer day, cleaning up the kitchen together - that mundane stuff that "regular couples" take for granted. But when you're apart for weeks at at time, you really appreciate the hell out of time spent together.

Maybe that's why this works.

In time, would the snoring get on my nerves?

Right now it makes me smile because I know he's sleeping hard (and when your partner has a tough time sleeping, you get really excited when you hear him snoring), but eventually would I want to smother him with my pillow?

Right now my midnight babbling is funny and kind of cute. Later on will he want to smother me with his pillow?

I just don't know. I'm not quite ready to find out either.

We both have established lives and careers in our respective cities and making a change would mean that one of us has to disrupt our lives. And as much as I want him near me, I can't ask him to make that change just for me and I know he feels he can't ask that of me.

That's okay.

We've only been seeing each other for about four months and are still in the newness of it all.

This was the first weekend we didn't spend entirely in bed and I think it was the most awesome time we've had together. Not that the sex isn't nice, believe me - IT IS - but even when you try to tell yourself it's just sex you find yourself wishing for more.

Especially when you find that person that not only laughs at all of your jokes, but makes them better. That person who can look at you with your wild morning curls without a stitch of makeup on and say with all sincerity in his voice, "Hey beautiful."

And last night, as we joked around and fell onto the bed laughing (fully-clothed)I looked up at him and thought, "Oh, I think maybe this is more."

And I think, I think maybe I saw that in his eyes, too.

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