Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Everybody Poops - LUCKY BASTARDS!

(I posted this on a bulletin board a few weeks ago. I'm posting it here because I'm only 29 and have poop problems. I'm too young for this. I also posted it because I'm a big advocate of preventative healthcare. Get your checkups people - and look at your poop.)

I had some issues a few years ago and my bowel movements were on this weird cycle.

For a few days I'd have nothing, just gas and bloating.

Then when I finally went to the bathroom I'd only produce what I referred to as rabbit poop because it just looked like little pellets and I'd be in there for ages for just 10-15 pellets. Then, I'd have diarrhea.

This cycle went on and on for months until I saw blood. (FYI, bright red blood should be looked at but it's probably not cancer or anything. It's probably from a hemorrhoid or something. Dark red blood though is a problem as it could be from your colon.)

Anyway, I had a colonoscopy and everything checked out okay except for a few internal hemorrhoids.

In conversations with my doctor though we talked about a typical day for me regarding diet and came to the conclusions that 1.) I'm lactose intolerant, 2.) I need more fiber and 3.) I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

I love cheese and ice cream so I tend to avoid those things now. But, I give in and I know I'm in trouble when I eat pizza, lasagna, a burger with cheese.

If I really, really want it I give in to the craving but I know I'll pay for it later.

I have to have Lactaid milk and those Lactaid pills never did anything for me.

I also get plenty of fiber now.

I have a salad with lunch and dinner or at least snack on some fruit during the day.

But, I really upped my fiber intake with these fancy little Bran Flakes I buy at The Fresh Market. It's something like 22% of my daily fiber and not only does it keep me ridiculously regular, but a small bowl of that stuff really sticks with me and normally I'm not hungry until lunch.

I have to stay away from greasy foods (hamburgers, tacos, fried chicken) as I know that will send me running towards the bathroom before the end of the evening and forget popcorn. It just makes me gassy.

I'm a Louisiana girl, but even overly spicy foods sends me like running like Flo Jo to the restroom.

Turns out my dad's the same way: Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

It's all been a pain in the ass to deal with (both literally and figuratively), but once you figure out what you can and can't eat then you can go from there.

There are also medications for IBS.

I'm not currently on any, but I know there are some things I JUST SHOULDN'T EAT.

I love broccoli and cauliflower but I just can't do it.

I had some Mashed Cauliflower (supposed to be potatoes) and I loved it, but a few hours later I was in the bathroom with the worst stomach cramps and explosive diarrhea EVAH!!!

I don't currently journal my food intake (which maybe I should just to see what triggers an upset stomach), but when I'm on the pot bent over with cramps, chills and the hair standing up on my arms I take a moment and think, "What did I eat? What did I eat?"

That's at least the first step to figuring out your trigger foods.

And, you know, look at your poop.

It's gross but you have to know what's going on in your body to be your best advocate.

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