Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Why Breakfast for Dinner?

Because I like it.

I went to a party a while ago and the theme was Breakfast for Dinner.

It was awesome!

It started at 6:30 p.m. and everyone was assigned to bring his/her favorite food.

I brought Mimosas.


I was on a liquid diet.

Anyway, people brought cinnamon rolls, made waffles and scrambled eggs. This was all up my alley as I love breakfast foods at any time of the day.

So, that's the first time I heard the phrase "Breakfast for Dinner."

But, that's not really why I named my blog that.

I named it that because "Breakfast for Dinner" makes me think of my mom.

When I was a kid and she didn't feel like making a meat-and-three type dinner she'd make omelets. Great big ass omelets with tomatoes, onions, green peppers and cheese. We'd have a slice of toast or whatever on the side and that was that.

Mayn! That's all it took to make me happy because I love me some eggs!

Even now, when I don't feel like cooking dinner, I'll make scrambled eggs, drizzle some ketchup on them and have a side of toast with grape jelly. Something about the sweet and salty combo makes my mouth very happy.

"Breakfast for Dinner" also makes me happy because it takes what would be a normal meal in the a.m. and makes it special.

But, I really like the idea of Breakfast for Dinner because I can knock back the Mimosas and/or Bloody Mary's with breakfast and not be thought to have a "problem."

Which, I totally don't!

I'm just . . . from New Orleans.

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